
Keynote, Breakout, Workshops

Lost and Found:  How I Met My Sister

How I Met My Sister

My sister, blind with cognitive disabilities since birth, became a ward of the state at six years old. I met her when I was forty-eight and she was fifty-two years old.

Learning to love and accept a sister with multiple disabilities, becoming her medical guardian, discovering how to advocate and navigate the State Department of Developmental Services is powerful, thought -provoking and heartwarming story. Key take-a -ways for families, health care workers, group homes, and inclusive environments will inspire you.

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Improve Your Smart Phone Photography, Improve Your Marketing

Improve Smart Phone Photography

(Zoom or In-Person)

Good photographs share information about your business instantly. Learn to recognize the difference between a powerful image and an ineffective photo. Understand the three elements that your photos need to engage the viewer. Simple tools and an inexpensive app on your phone will tweak and improve all your images.

Audience: Quilt teachers, store owners, Bloggers, Newsletters, anyone who wants to promote products.

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Quilts and the Underground Railroad: Fact or Fiction

Monkey Wrench Block

Were quilts used in the Underground Railroad? Is this perception a compelling story or an historical fact? Have recent movies and books added or hindered the evidence?

This presentation illustrates the folklore juxtaposed with the known facts based upon research, photographs, and quilts. You decide: Were quilts used? Is it fact or folklore?

YouTube link:

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